Tuesday, November 22, 2005

stepping outside yourself to see what the rest of the world needs. I promised myself I wouldn't go into political comments or rants about the state of things. This blog is for the self-centered selfish, self-help, psychotherapy side. Compartmentalize your expression, not your thoughts. I can talk about gratitude and giving back. I watched a movie called murderball. Had to track it down online because none of the local movieplexes carried it, the monopolistic fuckers. Somebody comes along with a great movie about an inspiring bunch of guys, and I have to watch a pirated version because the multiplexes are under contract to play all the garbage hollywood want us to watch. I felt guilty for snatching this one but I had to. I'll donate the price of a couple of tickets and popcorn out of my next check. Yeah I know mtv was behind murderball, but it's a great flick and anyone who's ever felt sorry for themselves should watch that movie. Those guys don't feel sorry for themselves, and they don't want anyone else to. Reminds me of a joke: How many emo kids does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None, they just sit in the dark and cry.
Work,Exercise, and writing, a therapeutic day. At least this feels like I'm getting published.


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