Monday, December 09, 2002

Damn it's been a long time. Been writing just not here and definitely not feeling very glib about posting my work here. Not quite sure if the medium is what I am looking for. Been reading Burroughs again. The guy had a grip on things that most people don't. Unfortunate that his vision had to compete with his personal demons. I don't think he would have been so bitter. I was listening to the radio one day on a long drive. As I was about to turn it off there was a line "everybody's got to let there darkness go sometime." I don't know about reading Burroughs again. His mind is a dark land and it makes you something of a Dante to traverse that mindscape. Can you Dante yourself through hell and and return unaffected. No, the question is whether it leaves you debilitated or renewed. I am not always sure which.
I was reading my last post almost a year ago. Well, all I can say is that if you find yourself in yet another bad relationship, perhaps it is time to examine the common denominator in your collection of misrable relationships, salvage what you can, move on, and don't forget to thank God that you didn't loose more of yourself than you did.
I had a dream last night that I kept wrecking the same car again and again because I was driving too fast on icy roads. At the end of it my girlfriend and I were shoveling salt onto a very steep decline we (I had been driving) had wrecked at the very top of.


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